Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wandering Energy

Life is truly amazing if you sit down and think about it.  We are nothing but lifeless elements forged within a star.  Somewhere along the way, the law of universe allowed a mass of lifeless material to be assembled in a way for living, breathing actual life to form.  Energy came into us, and started what many would consider a miracle.

Now that I am on the subject, let’s talk about energies role in this.  Energy is quite literally everything.  All matter can be converted into energy; all movement needs energy and produces energy.  Energy is the lifeblood to the universe, it’s what makes everything function, and react.  There is a law in the universe, energy can neither be created or destroyed, so all the energy the universe has was made at the beginning of everything and there has always been that exact amount flowing throughout everything here.  All life requires energy to be live, to produce heat, to pump your heart, to even think. 

Energy in a human sort of acts as what many people would call a soul, simply put, energy is us.  I believe life is special and we leave our mark on the energy flowing through us.  When we die, our body becomes cold and all our processes cease to function anymore as the energy leaves us.  But since life is so unique, I believe everything that is us imprints upon the energy and a part of who we were or are leaves with it.  Creating thoughts produce frequencies and energy, so it is plausible to believe that those thoughts become a part of the energy itself.  And we are if anything a creation of our own thought, it’s what makes our personality, what makes us tick, and gives us goals. 

Now why does it even matter if you imprint upon your energy after death you might ask?  Well the possibilities are very amazing.  Think about it like this, have you ever wondered why certain people seem to be carbon copies from people in the past, certain children in the family resemble or have a very close personality to previous family members who have passed away.  Well the energy from these people who have died doesn't just go away, they go somewhere, and as I've established before life requires energy.  If the imprinted energy of someone were to be a part of the creation of a new person, that person may indeed share those imprinted qualities.  The thought process, or personality of the person which created this energy could influence the new life it inhabits.  In simple terms, think of it as a weird form of reincarnation. 

Another phenomenon that occurs in which it can explain is paranormal activity.  At least the paranormal activity that Neil Degrasse Tyson can’t account for.  Neil Degrasse Tyson stated that much of the paranormal activity, or ghosts, can be explained by a certain frequency in sound that is on the visible spectrum and makes people see things that aren't there.  But alas there are many more paranormal events that occur that this simply can’t explain.  For the events that no one can explain other than saying it’s a ghost, I have a hypothesis of my own.  If you think, what are the happenings, or if you will, side effects that people have observed of a ghost being present?  Electronics fail, lights flicker, the room gets cold, strange feelings; these have all been said to be indicators that there is a spirit present.  Well my thoughts on it are this, if someone dies and their thoughts imprint upon the energy leaving them, they are essentially a mass of someone’s personal energy wandering.  If the energy wants to stay present if perhaps may have to steal the surrounding energy.  The room getting cold is energy leaving the air, the less energy in the air the more cold the air is.  Absolute zero is in fact a temperature that has completely lost all heat, so therefore energy.  I bring up absolute zero just as a point that the colder it is, the less energy it has.  So now to the other happenings, electronics die and lights flicker.  Well this one is easy to figure out, it simply sucks the energy from the electronic so it loses power and dies, and same for the lights flickering.   Now on to the harder one to explain, strange thoughts and feelings when spirits are present; well as I pointed out before, this energy has imprinted someone upon it, all their thoughts would inhabit the energy.  These thoughts could easily be transmitted to your own since energy can flow through you and easily intercept your own thoughts.  These strange feelings and thoughts may be nothing but your mind crossing paths with the remnants of someone else’s.  

Now I know these are some strange hypotheses, and I am well aware that they may not be close to the truth by even a long shot.  In fact in no way am I saying that any of this is true, but it never hurts to wonder and think about it.

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