Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Escaping Reality

Reality is a place that’s hard to escape, and reality is never fair.  In reality we owe money to bankers and companies.  We have responsibilities to deal with such as family, friends, jobs, and bills and we can never escape this.  Reality is harsh and the hardships that come with it are ingrained into our society.  People with money tell you what you can do and how to do it and if you don’t your life will fall apart.  Why would anyone want to stay in a world like this?  How could someone bear to be a part of a reality that allows rape and murder with no resolutions to it?  Someone could murder a child today and there’s a chance nothing would come of it, the murderer may never be caught, and may indeed live a full eventful life.  Doesn't something about that make you sick to your stomach? It does for me, every time I hear of news like that I cringe and want to just escape from this place we call reality.
                Ever wonder why so many people drink alcohol, smoke marijuana, or do any other assortments of drugs?  It’s not baffling to me, in fact just short of the extremely addictive and damaging drugs, I completely understand why someone would do that, they want to remove their mind from this reality for just a little bit.  They want to find peace in a place that only their mind can find, a world without the difficulties that they experience now.  Reading a book, or watching a show does the same for some people, but nothing truly alters your reality like a substance that alters your mind.  Depending on a drug for happiness is never a healthy choice, but the recreational use of something to help you keep your sanity in a world gone insane has its benefits.  Most people just say you need to accept life and deal with it without drugs, because life is tough and that’s that.  To me that is absurd, the use of something to expand your mind, provided you aren't hurting yourself or anyone else’s in the process, is extremely healthy.  Just dealing with the horrors of the world and accepting it is to become complacent and just what the people who try to suppress you want.  Allowing yourself to escape the world for just a while gives you a better perspective on life and allows you to experience a peace that gives you an overall goal in life, to achieve peace with reality and trust me; reality doesn't allow peace to everyone.  Having moments of peace in a chaotic life will reduce stress, and give someone a better quality of life.  Everyone is different and can handle different situations in very different ways.   What you believe is normal in life others might take on as a huge stress factor. 

                Judging is the last thing anyone should do if someone chooses to smoke a little marijuana or have a drink to settle down and escape for a while.  Now if this habit is damaging to their life or others in their life then yes that should to be looked at and taken into account. I’m not saying this is for everyone either, since some people have other means to achieve this that others won’t get the same reaction from.  Some people can go hiking and get that same feeling, and some can watch anime, or read books, but not everyone can do something that simple to escape reality and experience peace.  Some people need a little more to escape their stress or their thoughts on society.  Not everyone can smile after working the same job for years with no advancement or stuck in a crappy financial situation.  People tell them to deal with the stress, I say no, dealing with some stress will always happen, but if you can reduce it and find a reason or way to smile and forget about your troubles and the troubles of the world then I would do it.  Stress reduces the quality of life and clouds the mind and a clouded mind cannot make sound decisions in life; however a clear mind that has experienced peace from time in and again will work in a more proper manner.  Stress should not be overwhelming, and life should not be filled with worries and hardship constantly.  If escaping the reality you are in every once in a while can bring you moments of peace, then take it because life will not willingly hand you those moments, nor will you ever necessarily achieve them on your own just through riding out stress and hardships.  Allow peace to flood your mind and forget this reality from time to time, because in the end reality is never fair and everyone needs a break from it.

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