Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Religious Imagination

This post is not meant to sway belief in any one direction, neither is it meant to state what my belief is.  These are just thoughts to feed your imagination and make you think.
What religion/Life Philosophy compels you the most?  This is the list of the 21 biggest religions worldwide:
1. Christianity 2.1 billion
2. Islam 1.3 billion
3. Secular/Irreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.1 billion
4. Hinduism 900 million
5. Chinese traditional religion 394 million
6. Buddhism 376 million
7. Primal indigenous 300 million
8. African traditional and diasporic 100 million
9. Sikhism 23 million
10. Juche 19 million
11. Spiritism 15 million
12. Judaism 14 million
13. Bahá'í Faith 7 million
14. Jainism 4.2 million
15. Shinto 4 million
16. Cao Dai 4 million
17. Zoroastrianism 2.6 million
18. Tenrikyo 2 million
19. Neopaganism 1 million
20. Unitarian Universalism 800,000
21. Rastafari movement 600,000

God is just an English word, same goes for how they refer to it in every other language for all religions.  God can mean many things, such as the universe itself.  We are after all created by the elements that are in the universe that have been forged in the universes power plants called stars.  There is one theory that life has only formed in this universe because the universe wanted to become self aware.  Life is created from the universe; said life is aware that the universe is here and tries to understand it.
Another theory which I like to think about is in fact a theory that includes a god.  Perhaps everything in this universe, all matter, energy, and anything else it may have is all here from the birth of a god.  Most religions believe god has been here since time began, but if you think about it time doesn't exist without the universe.  God is perceived to be all powerful from our viewpoint, if something that powerful were to come into existence, its effect could release a burst of energy large enough to create our universe, therefore god was here from the beginning of time.  As another way to view it, the creation of our universe would require such an enormous amount of energy that we can’t even comprehend it.  The release of that much energy could have sparked into existence something so great that the only way we can perceive it would be to call it a god. You may ask “What was here before this god and universe?”  And me, I would ask you the same question because I don’t know, perhaps he transcends all minds and has always been here or there just was nothing before and his creation was mere coincidence.  Feed your thoughts with these questions and formulate your own hypotheses.  This universe and life contains so much information and possibilities that just thinking of what could have happened and how is enough to spin your brain out of control.  But these thoughts spark imagination and abstract ways of thinking which as Albert Einstein has been quoted saying, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
There seems to be a major clash between who is correct about life, and hardly anyone will give it any thought to at a bare minimum hear another abstract way about life without feeling challenged or brush it off as nothing.  Looking outside of the box will not hurt what you believe, but rather help your mind expand.  If you full heartedly believe in your religion then do so but look onto others for the mere purpose of at least your imagination and you will find brilliance and inspiration.  For whatever you believe in, the fact that we can think in such different ways is not just amazing, it’s nearly what some would call a miracle. Perhaps an infinite string of parallel universes exist beside ours by a mere coincidence, perhaps one god created everything here.  It doesn't matter what the actual answer is, it still never hurts to think.   Wrap your brains around the theories of life and really think about it, I’m not saying you should believe, but you should just think about it.

Here are some more theories of existence that are actually plausible in the realm of science.

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