Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Death is the Beginning/End?

Do you ever really stop and think about death? Like what it really is? I'm not talking from a religious sense of what death is or isn't, I'm talking about what it means from YOUR perspective and yours alone. Your experiences with life, and how they shape your view of death. I think about it quite a lot. No, I'm not depressed and I'm not some emo kid who cuts himself at night. These thoughts are just honest questions I've found myself exploring more and more as I get older. Is life just a dream? Is it a simulation, and we're all just some characters in a really complex version of The Sims? Is it really as cut and dry as Christianity/Islam/Judaism make it out to be? Or is it something more? Or nothing at all? And if it's nothing at all, is there any real meaning to all this?

To the religious folk out there...

Do you feel that all the faiths practiced in the world could all just be spin offs of the same source? In other words, do you think God, Allah, Krishna, Buddha, whatever, could all just very well be the same "entity" or "divine source", and it's only the arrogance and ego of mankind that divides us? If you believe in heaven and hell, do you feel comfortable with the fact that many of your friends or family could end up in hell based on life choices they've made? Does that upset you? Because if you do believe in heaven or hell, then surely you must realize that not everyone you've loved in your life, friend or family, is going to end up in heaven. Can you accept that thought? I know what you'll say, "Ultimately it's up to the individual, you see, and if he/she doesn't accept Jesus Christ into their life as Lord and Savior, well then they're destined for the lake of fire for all eternity." Is it really that cut and dry? Can you really be a good person all your life, never hurt or try and put down anyone, and still be sent to burn by a loving and just God? I'm not trying to disprove anything, all I'm proposing is just some honest questions that I'd like to see answered by somebody who honestly believes them.

To the non-believers out there...

Do you ever feel depressed, or anxious about the idea that this is it? Does it make you feel like your life has no meaning? Or do you feel lifted up? I could imagine both, because if this really is it and there's nothing after this, well then I'd wanna make this ride on planet Earth last as long as possible. But at the same time I could see how believing death is really the end could make me completely depressed, and thus giving me no motivation to go further. It really depends on the person, wouldn't you agree? Do you really feel there is no higher power? And if you do, what do you think it is? Is it love? Is love really the true God? Sex, which is the rawest and purest form of love there is, creates life, right? We all came from people having sex, and if we want to continue life, well then we co-create and boom! Life is born. So is love the true God, since love ultimately plays a part in creating life? Is it consciousness itself, and all we are is just little antennas picking up signals from the vast ocean of conscious radio waves that is the Universe? Do you feel that maybe, we're ALL divine beings, and what God really represents is us? We're all tiny little fragments of the whole which is God, or consciousness? Or is that all just New Age mumbo jumbo? If you don't believe, does it scare you? Does the thought ever cross your mind that you could very well die in a car accident tomorrow, or suddenly have a heart attack, or drink a little bit too much whiskey and just keel over and puke yourself to death. Do those thoughts pop up with any frequency? It's not to be weird, it's honestly just to see if you really realize how temporary this all is. And if you do realize the fragility of life, does it make you want to grasp each single day by the fullest, to make sure you experience this existence as much as possible?

Do you feel, instead of seeing us all as separate, we should look towards uniting as 1 race and coming together as a whole? I'm not talking about just Americans coming together, I'm talking the entire human RACE. This 1 race that lives on this 1 planet in this 1 solar system that's a member of billions and billions of other solar systems. And it just goes on and on and on. Do you see how silly it really is to have invisible borders on a world that's round? To have ancient belief systems that continue to divide and persecute people to this day? Do you feel it's at all possible to come up with a new philosophy or new religion in today's age? Our ancestors did thousands of years ago, who's to say we can't now?

We all lose someone close to us in our lifetimes, it happens to everyone. Death is inevitable. And the thought of death can be absolutely terrifying, especially when you realize it's inevitable for yourself to die. But, I think ultimately thinking about death every now and then can be the most ego-busting, humbling experience one can bring upon themselves. Because it makes you realize how precious this life really is. It makes you never take for granted the love you have for family and friends, and likewise, the love they have for you. You wish it could last forever, I mean who doesn't? But you know ultimately it won't, and that's a very liberating feeling if you think about it. It makes you appreciate being a nice person right now, and caring for one another at this moment. It makes you realize that life isn't always about being clever and cynical, but also about being kind and gentle. It helps you not take all the petty problems we all have day in and day out too seriously.

I honestly don't know what happens when we die. And I don't pretend to. Do I think there's something bigger going on? Yes. But I'm also very open to the fact that this may very well be it, and that helps me keep things in perspective

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