Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Insignificance of Things

Looking into the night sky and seeing the stars always changes my perspective on the day.  Usually emotions run my life as they do for nearly everyone alive and that’s fine sometimes.  Occasionally emotions need to be set aside for you to view life and achieve calmness in the mind.
                Life is hectic; people are always talking and talking and talking.  What is everyone talking about that is so important that it invades your mind and won’t leave a moment of tranquility?  Politics is one thing that especially affects the mind.  People look at politics and think that voicing their opinion to others will really change everything.  People view politics as if the politicians are working for us the general population and the greater goal for the world.  What needs to be understood is politics don’t run on what you say or what you want.  Politics runs on money, and the one with the most gets their way.  Almost every bill past and every law made was made for a reason that someone will make money.  Politicians lie to everyone about what they are, and may even pass some small bills and laws that are essentially meaningless in the big picture just to confuse and trick the population that they really to work for them.  No trust should ever be put into their word and actions, and the people who run most all political governments need to be cast out for their reign of greed and gross misuse of power.  The people should run the lives of the people, not a bunch of highly paid individuals that give benefits to the highest bidder and turn a deaf ear to what the world really wants.  So if politicians are liars, greedy, and can’t be trusted, why is everyone still talking about them as if what they say will really matter?  Why do we view others with different political views as if they are another species when all in all it doesn't matter who you voted for, money still runs the system.  Unless what you say will literally take the system away from our greedy political overlords and hand it off to the people then stop worrying so much about it.  No matter if you worry or get angry, unless you are planning on doing something about it, just empty your mind and bring moments of peace to your life.  Experiencing peace, tranquility, and a calmness in your mind may give you the courage or idea of how to better everything.  Nothing good ever comes from fear, anger, and worry.
                Another big topic on people’s minds is religion.  Religion and politics run side by side and everyone wants to talk about it, which is understandable.  People want to talk about where we came from, how we got here, and where we are going.  It’s the biggest question, or to some who have solidified their belief answer, in life.  Talking about it sometimes is a great thing to do, but keep emotion far from the conversation.  Religion is one of the biggest topics to stir up emotion and the emotion varies.  If one person talks to another about a belief they share then the emotion is excitement or happiness and this is always a good thing to experience.  But if the same person talks to another who believes differently, feelings of hate, anger, sadness, annoyance, and arrogance always seem to surface and these emotions cloud the mind.  A clouded mind can no longer be trusted just as you can’t trust a foggy road to lead you safely.  A conversation that stays civil with conflicting beliefs I will always strongly encourage, because having other show you another way of thought expands the mind, even if you don’t believe what they are saying.   Just hearing another view to expand your imagination will improve your intelligence.  No one needs to be completely ignorant to world beliefs; it should be encouraged by all beliefs to fully understand all other views that you can.  Tolerance is the key, tolerance breeds peace, and peace brings a calm mind.   A calming mind will clear all fog in your head and allow you to actually think.   So why worry about others beliefs, unneeded emotions will flood you if you can’t practice tolerance. 

                This is why I spend time looking into the night sky by myself in silence.  It brings peace to me and calms my mind.  Just looking at the stars and thinking how large they are and the distance they are from me allows me to really think how much there is out in the universe.  It allows me to realize the big picture that I am apart of and the wonder there is in our galaxy and all others.  When I look into the night sky politics aren't on my mind because our politics are insignificant in comparison to the vastness, beauty, and wonder of our universe.   Religion doesn't bother me because other views on every religion don’t flood my mind, only the wonder of what is above me.  It’s a beautiful tranquility I experience; everything seems so insignificant when looking up and knowing what is there, yet knowing there is an infinite amount of it I don’t know still.   I wish the world could experience this calmness in the mind.  The world would become a better place and people would realize that everything they worry about isn't worth the energy that they put forth to experience that emotion.

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